Hi all
Just to let you know that we have moved all content over to Knowledge Hub as we can use this to store files as well as have a chat forum and set up polls. Please can you all join this group as this is where we will now be posting all our new content and chat threads. Details of how to join below.
Civil Service Local Scotland Environment Network
Please join our knowledge hub CSLSEN page to make it easier for us to collaborate and share resources and ideas easily.
We have a library page which hosts all our newsletters, meeting content and any useful resources. All group members can add anything you think others will find useful.
There is a forum section which is great for us to discuss topics and share ideas. We currently have a thread dedicated to Plastic Free July where you can share your bingo card and share tips!
The events page is a directory of all our upcoming meetings, lunch and learns, and conferences with details of their content and how to sign up.
This group is open to all civil servants so please share with any colleagues who may be interested in collaborating and sharing resources.
As a new member, you are auto-subscribed to weekly email alerts. If you want to stay in the loop, you can set up Immediate alerts by selecting Subscribe below the Group Logo on the Home page of the group. Or if Daily alerts would be better for you, select the Group Notifications drop-down in Your personal settings.
In our next network meeting (5th August) we will show you the features of our knowledge hub page. Please bring any questions you have to the meeting or email me at eden.shelton-newlove@faststream.civilservice.gov.uk
Follow the link below to create your account. Once you have registered and signed into Knowledge Hub, you will find your invitation in your requests list via the bell icon (top right).
Once registered, you can update your profile or email notification settings at any time by signing in to your account.
If you have any questions please email us at support@khub.net